An 8 week old, a Re-Edit and a Wedding {This weeks Sneak Peeks}

As always it’s Busy Busy Busy here!!  Early in the week I met up with Elodie and her lovely Mummy, re-visited an older photo for a re-edit and then spent the long weekend doing something I enjoy but don’t do a whole lot of by choice… a wedding! This week Samantha is off for her first haircut and on Tuesday off for her very first day of school… *sob* she has grown up so quickly, for this reason I have left my calendar free to enjoy some time with my girl before she officially grows up!

Next week will surely be pictures of said hair cut and first day of school!

Jodie x

P.S If you don’t want to miss them sign up to receive my blog posts straight to your mail box… it’s just over here ->

perth newborn photographer

Smiles for Mummy

I feel so lucky to be able to watch this beautiful girl grow. Little Elodie is now two months old and such a sweet little thing. Since we last met she has discovered her hands and loves waving them around to show everyone how clever she is.

perth wedding photographer

With Stacey & Jim’s beach wedding on the weekend the forecast clearing showers inspired me to go back and re-edit what was one of my favourite shots from Kim & Carla’s Wedding… now I LOVE it, fingers were crossed for some gorgeous skies in Hopetown!

perth wedding photographer

Introducing Mr & Mrs Lullfitz!

We spent a lovely long weekend in Hopetoun (southern WA) for Stacey & Jim’s relaxed beach wedding. The weather was fantastic, although it was a little windy the rain held back and at exactly the right time the sun peaked through the clouds to create a beautiful golden sky.

perth wedding photographer

I couldn’t not share Hayley & Chelsea (Stacey and Jim’s adorable girls) together they made a very cute little addition to the bridal party.

Their make up is by Strip ‘n’ Bear Beauty Therapy

This entry was posted in Baby Photographer | 1 to 6 Months.

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