There is nothing quite like having your own baby to prove to you exactly how fast time flies. You bring home this scary little squishy newborn and before you know it you are celebrating a little persons first year, this was certainly the case for me… twice! You know what give you a good reminder of that? meeting up with someone else’s baby every month! It really seems just a few months ago that Charles and Elodie arrived for their newborn photo sessions and now here we are 11 months later, two very cute and clever little kiddies with four month old Saoirse chasing not to far behind!
So here they are… yet another page turned on the calendar!
Jodie x
“I’m how old already??”
Yep, 4 months sure does fly! Saoirse is such a cheeky little monkey
Look who is on the move!
There is no keeping cheeky Charles back now
I love this beautiful little munchkin!
Elodie was a little shy this morning but soon warmed up to show off her very clever new trick, 11 months old already!
© Samantha May Photography 2014 – Do not print, crop or alter.
Jodie is the owner & photographer at Samantha May Photography, she specialises in custom newborn, baby and children’s portraits from her Perth home studio.