Category Archives: Newborn Tips, Tricks & FAQ’s


Online Sharing and Your Family

When I was around about 10 I remember my best friend (hey Tori!) was the only person I knew with this fantastical thing called “the world wide web”. Her step dad was into IT, had his own […]


Book Week 2016

Dress up days were some of my favourite primary school memories! Costumes and Easter hats made for us by Mum and Dad from cardboard, masking tape and things found in the dress up box, paraded […]


A bit about me and where it all began… Part 2

Find Part One…   Tell me a little more about your photography for children?  I want for my portraits of the newborns I meet today to be hanging on the wall for the their children […]


A bit about me and where it all began!

I was recently a featured artist at White+Clover (a Newborn Prop group I’m in on Facebook) which was quite cool because I had a good look at where I’ve come from, I had a look through […]


How old should my newborn be for their photos? {Perth Newborn Photographer}

One of the questions every new parent asks me while making their initial enquires about our newborn portrait sessions is “how old should my baby be for the photos?” My answer is always the same, […]