Oh so sweet little Alysha came to visit at 13 days new with her lovely Mummy Emma. (You can see Emma’s pregnancy portraits here)
This beautiful little baby girl was almost the same weight as our Sammy when she was born, giving her a little rock to sleep bought me right back to what seems so long ago and yet just yesterday at the same time! Cuddle those babies… they grow SO fast… infact Ryder; my own newborn, is just eight weeks shy of turning one! Gosh where on earth has this last year gone??
If you would like a newborn portrait like these please contact me now, it’s best to have a pencilled in booking before your baby is born, you can read about why right here.
The only thing better than watching your newborn sleep is having them curled up on you while they share with you their little tiny newborn snoozing sighs… ahhhh babies